New Delhi: Sushmita Sen's Instagram handle seems to be dedicated to love lately. This time, the diva was caught teaching 'I Love You' to beau Rohman Shawl and we can't just get over it! The former Miss Universe, who has never shied away from telling the world about her love life, shared a video in which she can be seen teaching some Bengali to her Kashmiri boyfriend. Meanwhile, the 28-year-old model was heard teaching Sushmita these three magical words in Kashmiri. The video also features her dance teacher.

Sushmita with beau Rohman (Photo: Instagram)

Sushmita wrote, "I almost forgot to post this but I never forget to say it!!! love you guys!!! love begets love...say it more often & feel the vibe transform every single time!!!@pritam_shikhare @rohmanshawl & #yourstruly wish you love & a beautiful Monday!!! #sharing #languageoflove #sayit #feelit #beit."

WATCH: Sushmita Sen posts video learning kathak, leaves internet in awe

Take a look at the video below:

The duo met at a fashion show and the couple has been romancing each other ever since.

From celebrating each other's birthdays with their families to Rohman spending some time with Sen's daughters, Renee and Alisah, to training together, the duo has never failed to impress fans.