Salman Khan's 'Sultan' has broken numerous records since its release. The actor has been receiving thunderous response from the audience as well as critics and it seems 'Sultan-Mania' has not subsided yet among the fans and family members of Salman. Recently, the actor's sister Arpita Khan Sharma shared an adorable video of his cousin nephew Zahaaan who showcased how it feels to be 'Chota Sultan'.

This little kid has grabbed all the attention, thanks to his super classic wrestling move. The kid aped Salman Khan's 'wrestling moves' and displayed his fandom for superstar.

Watch the Video Below:

Arpita Khan wrote, ''My crazy cousin nephew Zahaan copying Mamu's moves . Your son is killing it @natashakunil. Zahaan is the son of Arpita's friend Natasha Kunil Baig.  Salman Khan's 'Sultan' has created some new records.

Read Here:  ‘Sultan’ crosses Rs 300 crore mark in opening weekend worldwide

The film – featuring Salman and Anushka Sharma as wresters – has performed fantastically in territories like UAE-GCC, Pakistan, Britain, Australia and New Zealand where it has shattered the highest opening weekend collection record by any Hindi film.