Vicky Kaushal made his Bollywood debut with the movie ‘Masaan’ in the year 2015. He received the IIFA and Screen Awards for best male debut for the same. The actor gained prominence with his character ‘Kamli’ in the 2018 biopic ‘Sanju’ where he was seen alongside Ranbir Kapoor. The ‘URI’ star has seen an immense amount of growth in his career during the last two years and has proved himself potential enough for the show business. Kaushal has many projects in his kitty including Shoojit Sircar's Udham Singh biopic, Meghna Gulzar's biopic on Sam Manekshaw and Aditya Dhar's Ashwathama.

Over and above that, the star of tomorrow has reportedly signed up for another big-budget movie with Yash Raj Films. This film will also mark the inaugural project for Vicky Kaushal with YRF banner.

According to a source, “Aditya Chopra loved Vicky in his previous few films and feels he's the star of tomorrow. He's producing a comedy film and has roped in Vicky for it. The deal has been locked and Vicky loved the role. He especially liked the film because it's a never-before-seen character for him as nobody has seen him do comedy before. It will also be Vicky's first stint in the comedy space. More details on the film are awaited. But the film will be one of the first few to go on floors and the dates will be chalked out once the situation is better to shoot."

Going by the reports, the film will be announced alongside other films of Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and others on the occasion of Yash Chopra’s birthday on 27th September. There will be a grand celebration for the production house’s golden jubilee in the Indian cinema.

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