New Delhi: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan has found a unique way to promote the outstanding handmade products that India is known for the worldwide. The star celebrates Rakhsha Bandhan with his sisters and cousins every year. However, he wants to make things a little different this year. With his upcoming release 'Sui Dhaaga - Made In India', which is majorly based on crafts and fabrics created by Indian artisans, the 'Judwaa 2' actor has created a special hamper featuring some really cool handmade Indian fabrics and crafts as gifts for his sisters.

Varun-Anushka in 'Sui Dhaaga'

Anushka Sharma & Varun Dhawan's memes from Sui Dhaaga will make you go LOL

Talking about the same, Varun said, "Each year I ensure that I gift my sisters something that they cherish and love. The beauty of Indian arts and crafts is unparalleled. Having learned so much about them while making Sui Dhaaga, I wanted to gift my sister's goodies that are handmade. I have got them an assorted mix of dupattas, sarees, stoles and handmade diaries etc. These items feature Phulkari art, Chanderi fabrics, Tussar silk, Kantha, and Applique work. I'm hoping my sisters will love these gifts as much as I had fun choosing them."

Varun Dhawan

'Sui Dhaga - Made In India' is based on the story of self-reliance and high spirits of the two central characters, Mamta (Anushka Sharma) and Mauji (Varun Dhawan), a tailor, rooted in an earthy town of India.

It also brings together National Award winning producer-director combo of Maneesh Sharma and Sharat Katariya after their blockbuster 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha'.
The love story is slated to hit the screens on September 28 this year.