New Delhi: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, who was last seen in ‘Street Dancer 3D’ opposite Shraddha Kapoor, celebrated her niece Niyara Dhawan’s second birthday on Friday. Niyara, who is the granddaughter of veteran director David Dhawan, turned a year older on May 29. The Dhawan family celebrated the birthday of the little munchkin amid the COVID-19 lockdown.

Varun took to social media to share two adorable photos with his niece while wishing her. He can be seen cutting the birthday cake with the little bundle of joy. Niyara looked as cute as a button in a pink frock.

Seeing the photos made us say ‘Chachu No. 1’. The ‘Kalank’ actor wrote- “Happybirthday" in his caption. We are sure the photos will definitely melt your hearts. Check out his post!

(Swipe to see the photos)

Arjun Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Nora Fatehi, Varun Sharma and other Bollywood celebs dropped comments on the post.

Arjun wrote, "Jigar ka tukda," while Nora Fatehi commented, "Shes soooo cute."

Dia Mirza wrote, "Happy birthday little one."

(Source- Instagram)

Varun's elder brother Rohit Dhawan and his wife Jaanvi Dhawan welcomed their baby girl on May 28, 2018.

On the professional front, Varun Dhawan will be next seen in David Dhawan's 'Coolie No. 1'. The film co-starring Sara Ali Khan was slated to hit the silver screens on May 1, 2020. The comedy drama couldn't release on its scheduled date as the cinema halls are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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