Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and his girlfriend Natasha Dalal are all set to tie the knot on January 24 in Alibaug. The two lovebirds will get hitched at ‘The Mansion House’ in the presence of their loved ones. Varun and Natasha’s family members reached Alibaug on January 22, two days ahead of their wedding. The pre-wedding festivities will start with the haldi and mehendi ceremony followed by the sangeet on January 23.
Our own Badrinath is all set take his ‘Dulhaniya’ with him. He posed happily for the shutterbugs while entering his wedding venue. His ladylove Natasha has followed the footsteps of Deepika Padukone, Isha Ambani and Kajal Aggarwal, who hired popular mehendi artist Veena Nagda for their wedding.
Natasha’s mehendi will be designed by Veena Nadga, who applied henna on Deepika, Isha and Kajal’s hands on their special day.
Veena Nagda shared a close bond with Varun Dhawan’s mother Laali Dhawan. She posted a photo with the ‘Kalank’ actor and Karuna Dhawan on her Instagram story. The trio can be seen smiling while striking a pose for the camera. Check out the photo!
Last year, Veena posted a photo with Laali Dhawan from Karwa Chauth celebrations. “Happy Karva Chauth Laali Dhawan ! We are so happy to be a part this tradition with your family for 26 years since 1994. Much love to you,” the caption for the post read.
Varun and Natasha have only invited selected guests at their wedding due to the COVID-19 crisis. The guests had to undergo a Coronavirus test in Mumbai before the wedding as a precautionary measure.
The soon-to-be married couple will reportedly host a wedding reception for their industry friends in Mumbai. The school sweethearts will take nuptial vows in a traditional Hindu wedding.
The likes of Manish Malhotra, Shashank Khaitan and Kunal Kohli have already reached Alibaug to attend Varun Dhawan’s wedding. On the professional front, the ‘SOTY’ star will be next seen in ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’. The movie also stars Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor and Neetu Singh.
Stay tuned for more updates!