The magazine's official Instagram page shared the cover of their new issue and wrote, "AND HERE IT IS! Meet our gorgeous July cover star, @_vaanikapoor_ in this month's Cosmo. Styling: @amandeepkaur87, Shot by: @abhaysingh75, HMU: #SubhashVagal, Art Direction: @vidhimirpuri, Dress: @fashionatomorfos, Ring and bracelet: @dior #CosmoIndiaJuly #VaaniKapoor #CosmoIndia #CosmoExclusive."
In the picture, the actress is seen wearing an Omorfos dress.
The dress had a high waist, pencil fit. While one was a strappy sleeve the other was an elaborate frill on the other.
She kept the accessories minimal with a simple ring and bracelet by Dior.
Vaani Kapoor was last seen in ' Befikre,' alongside Ranveer Singh.