Joe Bidden and Kamala Harris were sworn-in as the US President and Vice-President respectively on January 20. Harris made history as she became the first woman Vice-President of the States. The Inauguration Day had several moments which grabbed eyeballs on social media. While Donal Trump’s absence from the inauguration ceremony set several tongues wagging, Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez’s power-packed performances created lot of buzz on the internet.

Meme makers had a field day as they shared several rib-tickling memes on Twitter from the ceremony. A Twitter user shared a viral meme featuring Bernie Sanders along with the caption, ‘Bernie Sanders watches as Jason Derulo falls down the stairs at the inauguration!”

Senator Bernie was spotted sitting far away from everyone during the ceremony. His casual attire was enough to capture the attention of the social media users. He donned a coat, face mask and mittens for the event, which triggered a meme fest on Twitter. Many users edited the picture in different scenarios possible and shared the memes on the micro-blogging site.

In case, you are thinking the below image of Bernie Sanders and Jason Derulo is real, we have to stop you right there. It is photo-shopped.

Check out the memes which have taken the internet by a storm.

Jason Derulo trended big time on social media after a photo of a man in a white falling down from the stairs went viral. The picture, which was taken at the Cannes Film Festival 2011, inspired several variations of the image as fans believed the man resembled Jason Derulo.

‘Jason Derulo Has Fallen Down the Stairs’ actually refers to this viral photo, which manages to generate buzz on the internet everytime it is circulated. People still share the mee whenever any gala event takes place. Don’t believe us? Check it out yourself.

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