Making his displeasure clear, AR Rahman took to his Twitter handle to share a statement on the same. He wrote, "No short cuts, properly commissioned, sleepless nights, writes and re-writes. Over 200 musicians, 365 days of creative brainstorming with the aim to produce music that can last generations. A team of a Director, a Composer and a Lyricist supported by actors, dance directors and a relentless film crew. Lots of love and prayers A.R. Rahman."
Taking a did at 'Masakali 2.0', Rahman asked fans to enjoy the original song in his post. He captioned the note saying, "Enjoy the original #Masakali"
Take a look at his post below:
Speaking more about 'Masakali 2.0', Sidharth and Tara Sutaria can be seen steaming things up in the modern and naughtier version of AR Rahman's musical gem from 'Delhi 6'. With a more contemporary sound to it, 'Masakali 2.0' has been recreated by Tanishk Bagchi.
Tulsi Kumar, Sachet Tandon and Mohit Chauhan (also the original voice of Masakali) have teamed up to sing the track, with the female portion being the new inclusion in the ditty. With original lyrics by Prasoon Joshi, Tanishk Bagchi has penned the additional lyrics. Watch the song below:
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