New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan has been going across Europe - Prague, Amsterdam, and now Turkey - shooting for his upcoming Imtiaz Ali's 'The Ring' and has been meeting his fans, shaking hands, taking selfies, giving once-in-a-lifetime fan moments to thousands. But one unfortunate fan in Turkey had himself at the receiving end of SRK's anger.

See how the superstar pushed away this fan:

Bollywood stars getting themselves in public brawls has been happening more often than ever. Remember the recent Rishi Kapoor v/s the Journalist fiasco! And this isn't the first incident of SRK loosing his cool in public.

But everyone has a right to their personal space. The actor took actions he deemed appropriate. Anyone would get angry for being groped.

What do you think about this? Is there a reason why such incidents are being recorded more and more everyday?