Tisca Chopra is bold and beautiful and in a session with Kommune India, the actress revealed her shocking experience of Bollywood's infamous 'casting couch'. Recounting her struggle with a 'barren' dates diary after the release and subsequent failure of her first film, Chopra explained how she got a call from a famous producer-director out of the blue. "I'm going to call him RP - for Reptile," she said explaining he wanted to meet her for the casting of a film which was quite an "extravaganza".
Tisca Chopra at an award function
Talking about her struggling dates, Chopra told how she got a call from a famous producer-director She said, "I'm going to call him RP - for Reptile." She explained how the director wanted to meet her for the casting of a film. At his office, RP told Chopra, "You need to learn how to walk in heels, you need a manicure and you need to do a spa for your hair. And you need to learn how to ooze." friends burst Chopra's excited bubble, educating her about the ways of the director. "They said, but you know, agreeing to do a film with him is like agreeing to be his pet squeeze for the duration of the shoot. Are you okay with that?"
Tisca's friends educated her about the ways of the director. "They said, but you know, agreeing to do a film with him is like agreeing to be his pet squeeze for the duration of the shoot. Are you okay with that?"
Tisca Chopra at the promotions
Meanwhile in the outdoor shoot of the film, the actress, and the director stayed at the same hotel and this is when things started to take an ugly turn. On the third day, after directing her 'closely', Reptile suggested, "so let's meet in my room for dinner we'll discuss the script."
"Come eight o'clock I go to the hotel's flower and cake shop, I buy this exotic bouquet... and this box of luxurious chocolates and I knock on Reptile's door. And he says come in, and he's sitting in a satin maroon lungi kurta. It was so tight, it was so cheesy, but there he was reclining. "Chopra proceeded to give him the flowers, chocolates, a big hug and lots of thanks for "shooting her beautifully". "He looked a little surprised when he saw me behave this way. Because he said that he didn't expect the fly to be so enthusiastic to walk into the spider's web," explained Chopra.
"And just then, the phone rang. And it was his son calling." "Come eight o'clock I go to the hotel's flower and cake shop, I buy this exotic bouquet... and this box of luxurious chocolates and I knock on Reptile's door. And he says come in, and he's sitting in a satin maroon lungi kurta. It was so tight, it was so cheesy, but there he was reclining."
"He looked a little surprised when he saw me behave this way. Because he said that he didn't expect the fly to be so enthusiastic to walk into the spider's web," explained Chopra. "And just then, the phone rang. And it was his son calling." Basically, Chopra made plans with young crew members of the film - including Reptile's son - to go out for the night and went on to ask the hotel operator to transfer all calls to her room, to his room.
Also: Tisca Chopra happy to break ‘serious’ image with full-on comedy ‘3 Dev’
"So I pretended to put my hand over the receiver and I said, ya ya ya I'm in sir's room discussing the script. Sir, how long do you think it'll take?" She ended up getting 5-6 calls in succession asking her to come down and join the party. "And sir just lost his desire to discuss the script and that was that. And I was not on a plane to India, and we did finish the film and it was great fun," said Chopra.