New Delhi: Aamir Khan’s one of the most awaited films of this year, ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’ released a day before. It also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Fatima Sana Sheikh and Katrina Kaif. Aamir shared a long message on his twitter and he wrote, “I want to say that we have made the film with a lot of love and effort, and we hope that you enjoy it.I want to express my gratitude to Mr Bachchan, who has always been an inspiration for me. Fatima, who is one of the finest co-stars I have ever worked with and Katrina, whom I absolutely love.”

But guess what? This film by Mr Perfectionist is at the end of receiving a lot of trolls. People are making memes and they are hilarious.

Check out these out these tweets:

Thugs Of Hindostan is said to be the first Bollywood film to adapt the thugeee theme on big screen. Set in the 1795, the film follows the adventurous story of the thugs' battle against the East India Company for free India.