New Delhi: Bollywood’s king Shah Rukh Khan unveiled the August cover of Vogue India, which was graced by his daughter, Suhana Khan who faced a lot backlash because of it. Netizens called it ‘Nepotism’ and also questioned the credibility of Vogue to take Suhana for their cover. Hell broke loose on twitter and resultantly Vogue had to disable comments on Suhana's cover post on Instagram.

Kajol, who has done zillion films with Shah Rukh Khan and is also close friend of Gauri Khan reacted on this matter. During an interview with Film Companion, Kajol on star kids said that all you can do is show them love and support.

On Suhana getting backlash for her Vogue cover, Kajol said, “It takes a lot of courage, you know hats off to Gauri and Shah Rukh for that matter even to allow Suhana to go out there. I wouldn't say allow, I know that is the wrong parents you always want to protect your children and you know for a fact that as a star and a celebrity, things will always be much more tougher for your children because they will be judged by you. Especially if you are a success. If you were a failure, probably they will be judged with a little bit more sympathy and a little more 'oh so sweet'.”

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Actress further said, “But when you are a success, it's always a bit tougher for them and will always be tougher for them. In whichever arena they are, not only in the film industry. They will be watched, whatever they choose to do with it. It's a tough decision for both Shah Rukh and Gauri. A very brave decision on their part to let Suhana come into this world.”

On professional front, Kajol will be seen in ‘Helicopter Eela’. Film will release on 7th September 2018.