New Delhi: Bollywood’s King  Shah Rukh Khan was travelling from one city to another to promote his film Raees. Now we all know that Shah Rukh loves his fans and is super active on social media. This fact is also evident that he loves to take selfies.

Shah Rukh Khan’s recent selfie from Pune, is going viral and the reason is quite unbelievable. All the fans loved the picture, but more than that, a girl in the front row in green t-shirt drew everyone’s attention. People posted comments like ‘Beauty’ , ‘She looks like model’ and soon girl became an internet sensation.

In that comment section, one of her friend tagged her, which solved the mystery. This new internet sensation is 21-year-old  Saima Husaain Mir who is from Srinagar.

While talking to a leading website she said “‘surreal’ experience. She further added “I thought she was joking at first but then I started getting calls and messages from everyone. The moment I checked for myself, it felt so surreal.”

Take a look at her picture, isn’t she just beautiful!

Image Courtesy - Facebook/Saimahussainmir