Bollywood actress Tanushree Dutta, who made her acting debut with 'Aashiq Banaya Aapne' opposite Emraan Hashmi & Sonu Sood, is getting huge support from Bollywood fraternity after she opened-up about being sexually harassed by veteran actor Nana Patekar. The veteran actor dismissed the actress' accusations and announced that he'll be holding a press conference today (8th October) to address the issue. But now, the controversy has taken a new turn as Nana Patekar, who was expected to share his side of story during the press conference, has stepped back at the last moment.
Nana Patekar (Photo: Web)
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Reportedly, Nana Patekar has cancelled the press conference at the last minute and the rescheduled dates are yet to be announced.
But why would he do this? Well, the reason behind the same is yet unknown but we're waiting for Nana Patekar to open-up on the allegations of sexual harassment against himself.
Nana Patekar, who was busy shooting for his next film 'Housefull 4' in Jaisalmer, recently returned to Mumbai. At the Airport, he dodged the questions related to the whole controversy and said, "I have already answered... Jo jhooth hai woh jhooth hai (what is a lie is a lie)".
Tanushree Dutta (Photo: Web)
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In one of her recent interviews, Tanushree has revealed that Nana Patekar had harassed her on the sets of 2008 film 'Horn OK Pleassss' and even demanded to do an intimate dance step with her during the song's shooting which made her comfortable. Big Bollywood names like Priyanka Chopra, Kangana Ranaut, Farhan Akhtar among others came out in Tanusree's support calling it India's #MeToo movement.
Ever since then, women have come forward and are sharing their sexual harassment stories on social media. Recently, an ex-employee of 'Phantom Films' has accused 'Queen' director Vikas Bahl of sexual assault. After which, Vikas' friend, director & co-owners of now dissolved Phantom Films, Anurag Kashyap came out in support of the survivor and stated that he was deeply sorry for not handling the incident properly at the required time.
Coming back to Nana Patekar-Tanushree Dutta's controversy, the actress too has put up a police complaint against Nana and has finally decided to take the legal route.
Stay tuned for more updates!