Little superstar Taimur Ali Khan's dad Saif Ali Khan recently opened up about his upcoming films, web series 'Sacred Games 2' and his personal life during an interview when he made an interesting revelation about his son who's currently the most sought after Bollywood star kid by the paparazzi. Saif, who was captured at airport shouting at the paps flashing cameras "bas karo yaar, bachcha andha ho jayega" 3 weeks ago, now reveals that the kiddo has a name for the photographers always present around him to click him. The 2 yr old catches on words he hears around him as mommy Kareena Kapoor Khan had also revealed a while ago. While Kareena had mentioned 'media', now Saif had another word that is caught by Taimur and it is 'media waale'.
PICS: Kareena Kapoor arrives with son Taimur Ali Khan to cast her vote in Lok Sabha Elections 2019!
Saif, while talking to Hindustan Times (HT Brunch), tells- “Timtim is more mediasavvy than either me or Bebo. He calls the photographers ‘Mediawale’. He thinks Mediawale is a name! One of his favourite games is to point my camera at people. He will say ‘khichik khichik khichik’ and pretend to be ‘Mediawale’!”
He continues adding- "Mediawale had better watch out: they might, one day, be out-papped by their toddling victim!"
'Sacred Games 2' actor Saif also comments on li'l nawab's style and said - “Timtim's style game is spot on & his hairstyle is better than mine".
Taimur's changing hairstyles also make headlines. Remember how the little one recently got spikes and looked super stylish being carried around by his stunning mommy?
PICS: Taimur Ali Khan sports new cool haircut with spikes at Annual Day with Kareena-Saif & internet is melting!
Coming back to Taimur's new favorite game of playing 'mediawale'..
There was also police action outside Saif-Kareena's residence when the cops dispersed the paps present there a month ago which the actor did confirm too although also said that it wasn't him who called the cops but someone else.
Taimur Ali Khan turns the 'paparazzi' at home & goes 'khichik khichik' with a camera in hand- Saif ali Khan
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
06 May 2019 07:21 PM (IST)
Taimur Ali Khan's father Saif Ali Khan reveals in a recent interview that the junior nawab turns 'paparazzi' at home which is his favourite game
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