Bollywood actor Sushmita Sen gave wonderful advice to her elder daughter Reene, who turned 19 on Tuesday. Taking to social media, the 'Main Hoon Naa' actor asked her daughter to enjoy every moment of her teenage life. The excited mother asked her daughter to learn everything she could, be it singing, dancing or anything that would help her grow as a person.

Sushmita Sen also had words of wisdom for her daughter, wherein she said that her daughter "should make new friends, explore new horizons, embrace the past, look forward to the future but live in the moment & with each step create who you choose to become ????????"
"Your sister & I love you beyond!!! Here's to you & I turning 19 yrs old today...Aim for the's #time to #fly ??????????Dugga Dugga Shona!!! Enjoyyyyyyyyyy!!! Mmuuuaaah" she added in her Instagram post

The actor, who is a single mother adopted Renee in 2000 and ten years later she adopted another baby girl, Alisah.