Recently news of Sushmita Sen and boyfriend Rohman Shawl's relationship hitting the rock bottom was all over the internet. However the actress quashed the rumours by sharing a happy work-out picture of the duo and now Rohman is gushing over his ladylove in a sweet Instagram post. The couple along with Sushmita daughters- Renne and Alisah is currently enjoying their familyΒ vacation in Armenia.

Meanwhile, Rohman's latest post on Instagram for Sushmita is all about love. In the loved-up photo, Rohman can be seen kissing on Sushmita's cheek and the actress' expression shows that her happiness is beyond the clouds.

Sharing the photo, Rohman Shawl wrote: "I just love her dimples. My munchkin. Sushmita Sen, I love you." Aww.

Reacting to the post, Sushmita dropped an adorable comment: "All yours, dimples and all. I love this picture! Muah jaan meri!"

Sushmita Sen also reposted the same picture and captioned it beautifully: "Here's another beautiful reason to smile more often. I love you Rohman Shawl #dimples #toocute."

No wonder Rohman expressed his emotions pretty clear and loud for the former Miss India and fans can't stop gushing about the same.