New Delhi: Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen and her boyfriend Rohman Shawl have been painting the town red with their romance. The couple often shares lovey-dovey photos with each other, making their ans go aww. Speculations of trouble in their relationship hitting a rock bottom were rife. However, the former Miss Universe squashed all the rumours by sharing a photo with her beau on Instagram. The happy work-out picture of the two lovebirds was enough to put an end to all the break-up rumours.

Both Sushmita and Rohman are going steady in their relationship and if the recent buzz is to be believed, that they are planning to get married soon. Yes, you read that right.

A report in an entertainment portal has suggested that planning and discussions for their wedding are going on in full swing.

Check OUT: Sushmita Sen's BF Rohman Shawl Shares Lovey-Dovey PIC Kissing Her

Although, both Sushmita and Roman are yet to officially announce their wedding, the report said that their marriage is apparently being planned.

Sushmita and Rohman will get married in November-December, the report in IWMBuzz said.

Rohman Shawl attended Sushmita Sens’ brother Rajeev Sen’s wedding with TV actress Charu Asopa. He was spotted dancing at the sangeet along with his ladylove.

If the news of Sushmita and Rohman’s wedding turns out to be true, the news will definitely make their fans happy.

Stay tuned for more updates!