New Delhi: Bollywood diva Sushmita attended a family wedding function in Delhi along with her daughters Renee & Alisah and boyfriend Rohman Shawl. The former Miss Universe had a blast at her nephew’s wedding and danced her heart out with her family members. The ‘Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya’ actress took to Instagram to share several pictures and videos from the wedding. Sushmita posted a video where she can seen grooving on her iconic song ‘Chunari Chunari’ from Salman Khan starrer ‘Biwi No. 1’.

WATCH: Sushmita Sen's boyfriend Rohman Shawl participates as Alisah's father in sports day race

The Bengali beauty was in full celebratory mood and she danced with the groom Shiv on the popular number.

‘’#chunarichunari ????????????This seems to be one of Shiv’s @shivchopra1 favourite songs for he knows all the steps!!!???????????? And his beautiful bride Rukman @rukmandhawan definitely has the BEST official wedding photo with yours truly, Good job Alisah ????????❤️ #cherished @aaradhikachopra love you guys!!!!❤️????????????mmmuuuaaah,’’ the caption for the video read.

Sushmita also posed with the bride and lifted her up as the song ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ played in the background. Her daughter Alisah showered rose petals on the two of them, giving us the picture-perfect moment.

Check out the video! (Swipe right to see both the videos)

Sushmita, who is known to be a fitness freak, also danced with the guests at the hotel where the wedding took place. We loved Sush’s energy and enthusiasm.

The ‘Main Hoon Na’ actress also grooved on the popular number ‘Chittiyaan Kalaiyaan’ and we loved her sassy avatar.  Check out the video! (Swipe right to see every video)

Sushmita looked elegant in a black saree and emerald necklace, making several hearts skip a beat. Check out the pictures (Swipe right to see the photos)

The original ‘Dilbar’ girl also shared pictures of the newly married couple on Instagram with an adorable caption.

‘’ CONGRATULATIONS my darlings Shiv @shivchopra1 & Rukman @rukmandhawan ❤️????????????To a blessed journey of togetherness, you guys are such a perfect “Jodi” MashaAllah????❤️???? we loooooved the wedding!!!! #superfun ????❤️ @aaradhikachopra @rohmanshawl #sharing #moments #wedding #family #friends #love #happiness #delhi #duggadugga ❤️I love you guys!!!!,’’ the caption read.

Sushmita Sen and Rohman Shawl have been painting the town red with their love and the actress shared a picture with him from the wedding.

(Source- Instagram)

The ‘Aankhen’ actress had earlier shared photos which were clicked by none other than Rohman.

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