It has been a while that people are demanding a CBI investigation for late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death on social media. While the Mumbai Police have been doing their bit of interrogating people related to the actor, recently the ‘Detective Byomkesh Bakshy’ star’s psychiatrists made a major revelation in the case. According to the psychiatrists, Sushant was disturbed by the negative publicity that he received from people on media, social media and the industry.
Based on the interrogation done by the Mumbai Police, Sushant’s ex-manager Disha Salain’s suicide troubled him and he feared that people might start blaming him for her death. He even told some people related to him that the media and industry will start gossiping and try to bring his name into the matter. Even, the false allegations and controversies made against the actor during the ‘MeToo’ movement shattered him.
The psychiatrists also revealed that Sushant used to be very serious and concerned about his work. He was very hard-working and passionate about whatever he did. However, when he did not get the proper recognition and credit for his work, he used to get sad and depressed. The doctors even cited some examples from their sessions with the actor.
Reportedly, they said that Rajput worked very hard for his movie ‘MS Dhoni’ and did a splendid job, but did not the credit he deserved and people were praising the life of MS Dhoni. In the same way, in ‘Kedarnath’ Sara Ali Khan took away all the credit as it was her debut movie. In Nitesh Tiwary’s ‘Chhichhore’, the cast did not get the acclamation they deserved. All these things drove Sushant Singh Rajput into the way of anxiety and depression as it affected him a lot and made him think about what should be done next.
In the year 2013, before the release of ‘Kai Po Che!’, the actor’s friend Mahesh Shetty took him to a psychiatrist as he was tensed and anxious for the release of his first film. Sushant was very sensitive about his work and getting due credit for the same.
Till now, Mumbai Police has interrogated two psychiatrists of the actor and will soon question the other two psychiatrists that the deceased soul consulted.
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