Sushant Singh Rajput’s unfortunate and untimely death has whirled up the film industry. Since the actor’s death, Mumbai Police has been reaching out and interrogating every person who has been related to the actor both personally and professionally. After recording statements of filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Aditya Chopra, the police summoned Mahesh Bhatt on Monday. As per reports, Bhatt’s interrogation went on for three long hours. Recently, police sources have confirmed that producer-director Karan Johar will also be questioned by the Mumbai Police later this week regarding the death case.
Kangana Ranaut claimed that the film ‘Drive’ did not get a theatrical release because that was Karan’s purpose of damaging the late actor’s career. Owing to all these things, the police have also asked for the contract agreement copy between Sushant Singh Rajput and Dharma Productions. The film later released on OTT platform. Reportedly, the CEO of Dharma Productions Apoorva Mehta has been called in for interrogation by the police on Tuesday.
The 71-year-old filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt was reportedly interrogated for about two hours by police on Monday
However, on the other hand, Mahesh Bhatt revealed that he has met Rajput only twice and have known him through Rhea Chakraborty. He also disclosed that the movie ‘Sadak 2’ was never offered to Sushant as it was always meant to be made with Sanjay Dutt in the lead role. The ‘Chhichhore’ actor wanted to work with Bhatt and requested him to cast him for any role in the film, said the director.
As a part of the ongoing investigation, Kangana Ranaut will also be summoned by the Mumbai Police. As the actress is in her hometown Manali right now, so she has requested the police to send someone to record her statement or she can record it herself and send it to the concerned official.
In another development, the viscera report of the actor has arrived and it has ruled out any foul play in the case. However, stomach wash fluid and nail sample reports are yet to come.
Watch this space for the latest updates.
After Dharma Productions CEO, Karan Johar To Be Questioned By Mumbai Police In Connection With Sushant Singh Rajput Case
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
28 Jul 2020 11:44 AM (IST)
After Mahesh Bhatt, it is now Karan Johar got summoned by the Mumbai Police in the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s death case. Read on.
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