New Delhi: The four-member Bihar Police team which went to Mumbai to investigate Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s case returned to Patna on Thursday (August 6). The team arrived at Patna’s Jay Prakash Narayan airport on Thursday afternoon. The cops went to Mumbai on July 27 after the ‘Dil Bechara’ actor’s father KK Singh lodged a complaint against Rhea Chakraborty under various sections of the IPC including abetment to suicide. An FIR was registered against the ‘Jalebi’ actress and five other people at Patna’s Rajiv Nagar Police station.

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A report in an IANS said that the four-member team will submit the report to Patna's Superintendent of Police Upendra Sharma. The cops didn’t interact with the media but said that they collected whatever evidence they could despite the adverse circumstances, the report in the news agency added.

Patna city SP Vinay Tiwari was also sent to Mumbai to investigate the 'Chhichhore' actor's case. However, the IPS officer was quarantined in the city and is yet to return.

Bihar DGP Gupteshwar Pandey has said that he will take legal action if Tiwari is not released from 'forcible quarantine' by the end of the day, PTI quoted him as saying.

In a major development in Sushant Singh Rajput’s case, the Centre accepted Nitish Kumar-led Bihar government’s recommendation for a CBI probe into the matter. The Bihar Chief Minister had recommended a CBI investigation into Sushant’s cas after the ‘Pavitra Rishta’ actor’s family made a request to the state government.

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CBI has received notification from the Department of Personnel and Training's (DoPT) to initiate an investigation in the late actor’s case.

Meanwhile, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned Rhea Chakraborty on Friday (August 7) for questioning in Sushant Singh Rajput’s case.

Stay tuned for more updates!