A year ago, Bollywood actress Sunny Leone and her husband Daniel Weber took an amazing decision of adopting a beautiful baby girl from Latur, Maharashtra. And today a year later, the actor is celebrating one year since adopted daughter Nisha entered her family. Sunny Leone, whose biopic Karenjit Kaur: The Untold Story of Sunny Leone, premieres on Monday, has shared a love-filled family picture on Instagram.

Sunny and husband Daniel adopted daughter Nisha from Latur last year

She captioned the photo as, “One year ago today our lives changed when we brought you home with us! Today is your 1year "gotcha" anniversary and I can't believe it's only been one year because I feel I have known you a lifetime. You are a part of my heart and soul and the most beautiful baby girl in the world! I love you very much Nisha Kaur Weber!!”

Reportedly, the adorable toddler had been turned down by 11 prospective parents before she could find a family(Sunny Leone & husband Daniel Weber), revealed the adoption agency. After a long wait and unending formalities, Sunny and Daniel finally brought home their first baby and embraced parenthood for the first time.

Sunny Leone and Daniel Weber announced the arrival of their newborn twin boys, Asher and Noah via surrogacy on March 5, 2018.

The couple also welcomed twin boys Noah and Asher via surrogacy in March this year.