Sunny Deol joined BJP on Tuesday and the 'Gadar' actor has been trending since. Sunny joined BJP in presence of Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and Railway Minister Piyush Goyal, days after he met BJP president Amit Shah at Pune airport. Filmmaker Anil Sharma, who has helmed several of Sunny Deol films like 'Apne', 'The Hero: Love Story of Spy', 'Singh Saab the Great' and the iconic 'Gadar: Ek Prem Katha' took to Twitter to congratulate the actor too. He tweeted - "56 inch ka Seena toh tha ab 62 inch ka bhi aa gaya .. congratulations my favourite for joining ".

Sunny Deol's step sister Esha Deol also took to social media to congratulate her big brother on joining BJP. Esha and Ahaana are Dharmendra's daughter with second wife Hema Malini while Sunny and Bobby were born to his first wife Prakash Kaur. Dharmendra also has two daughters named Vijeeta and Ajeeta.

Sunny's step-mother Hema Malini is the BJP candidate from Mathura.

Sunny and Bobby have been fond of their two younger sisters Esha-Ahana but the complexities between the two families always come to work in some demanding situations. The brothers even missed Esha's wedding to avoid any unpleasant situation.

After Sunny today joined the BJP, the doting sister Esha, who's pregnant with her second child right now, wrote on Twitter - "More power [fist emoji and thumbs up emoji]".

ALSO - Pregnant Esha Deol flaunts baby bump in yellow as she attends an event as Guest of Honour!

Sunny Deol said while addressing the media at the Bharatiya Janata Party office on Tuesday- "The way my father (film star Dharmendra) was attached with Atalji, today I have come to join Modiji. Whatever I can do for this family (BJP), I will do it... I won't talk, I will show you through my work". 

The party is likely to field Deol, who has acted in films such as "Ghayal" and "Damini", from either Gurdaspur or Chandigarh in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, according to sources.

Gurdaspur Lok Sabha seat in Punjab was represented by the late Vinod Khanna from BJP.

(With inputs from PTI)