New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's wife Gauri Khan is ringing in her 48th birthday today (8th October) with the 'half of her better halves' - hubby King Khan and son AbRam. Taking to social media, Gauri shared two pictures, one of which is a selfie with Shah Rukh and son AbRam. In the second snap, AbRam can be seen sitting on her lap looking adorable in a black outfit with a matching cap. As per Gauri's caption, the couple's other two kids- Aryan and Suhana were missing from the outing because they had to attend their classes.

She wrote, "With half of my better halves on my birthday...the other halves in school!"

Ajay Devgn is yet to watch Shah Rukh Khan-Kajol’s DDLJ; The actor has an EXCUSE!

Check out Gauri's post below (SWIPE LEFT):

Shah Rukh Khan, Gauri Khan are Godparents to Karan Johar's kids Yash & Roohi!

An interior designer by profession, Gauri on Sunday, got featured in the Top 50 Most Powerful Women in Business- India.
Apart from being a designer, Gauri is also a co-founder of the motion picture company Red Chillies Entertainment and its subsidiaries.

She has produced several successful films under her production company, including 'Mai Hoon Na', 'Om Shanti Om', 'My Name is Khan', 'Chennai Express', 'Happy New Year', 'Dilwale' and 'Raees'- the last three ranking among the highest grossing Hindi films.