Bollywood's famous star-kids Aryan Khan, son of superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Navya Naveli Nanda granddaughter of megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently graduated from their London school. And while their respective parents are back in Mumbai both Navya and Aryan are still on party mode and was recently spotted chilling out together with friends at a restaurant in London.
SRK’s Son Aryan and Big B’s granddaughter Navya celebrate victory on finishing Graduation
And a photo of them is doing rounds of social media . This particular photo is creating huge buzz on the picture and video sharing site Instagram. In picture, you will see Aryan and Naveli sitting at two different corners and have having great a time with their friends. Take a look at the picture below shared by Aryan's fan club:
The two recently graduated from their high school in London, a ceremony whose pictures went viral on the internet.
PROUD DADDY SRK attends son Aryan’s graduation day with daughter Suhana! PICS INSIDE
Post the event, while Aryan partied hard with his friends, Navya was spotted on a dinner outing with her friends.
MORE PICS: Big B’s Grand daughter Navya Nanda PARTIES hard with her Gang post Graudation!
The two friends have often been spotted together at many occasions, the last being director Karan Johar's 44th birthday bash in London.