All the entertainment portals were bustling with Sridevi and Boney Kapoor's nephew Mohit Marwah's wedding. Any picture of the Kapoor family was hitting the headlines. When Sridevi arrived with husband Boney Kapoor and daughter Khushi Kaopoor, all the cameras immediately shifted their focus to the iconic actress.
Who knew that just three days after the galore of happiness that the wedding brought to the Kapoors, they would witness such a huge tragedy.
One feels a tug at the heart when one reads the "2 days ago" at the bottom of the picture. Two days country's beloved actress used her Instagram handle to sbhare this picture from the Dubai wedding.
Sridevi and Khushi Kapoor at Mohit Marhwah's wedding.
Even at the age of 54, the actress looked as fresh and beautiful as any other young actresses in the industry. She was one of those few actors who have completed 300 films in industry.
May her soul rest in peace. We bid her adieu with heavy hearts.