New Delhi: On Sridevi's 55th birth anniversary, husband Boney Kapoor felt that she deserved every bit of respect that was being bestowed on her across the globe. Speaking to the media on the sidelines of a special film screening of the actress, Boney Kapoor said, "She (Sridevi) couldn't complete her schooling, she couldn't complete her college because she was so involved in her work, she deserves the recognition, respect and the tributes which are being paid to her all across the globe."
Late Sridevi with hubby Boney & daughters Janhvi-Khushi (Photo: Instagram)
Continuing his tete-a-tete with the media, he thanked the Indian government for the honour they have bestowed on her through the film screening.
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Remembering his wife, Kapoor said Sridevi's absence was apparent in his life and that of his two children.
"Today this vacuum, this void cannot be replaced, but at the same time the good wishes and the goodwill that she has left behind is something which we can hang on to, we can live with it. But, the legacy lives on, her body of work, the kind of work that she has done in her career, right from the age of four," he said.
Kapoor also revealed that Sridevi wanted to work in a Bengali film, but no good script came her way.
"She was keen to do films in all the Indian languages," he added.
Talking about the 'Mom' star's acting skills, Kapoor opined that Sridevi never tried to act but instead became the character she played.
"This is what I tell my children too. You have got to become the part, not play the part," Kapoor asserted.
The film division, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, organised a special screening of Sridevi's movies in order to celebrate her 55th birth anniversary on Monday.