Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who emerged as the messiah of migrant workers during the COVID-19 lockdown, shared a message for his fans on Mahashivratri 2021. The ‘Dabangg’ star requested his followers and well-wishers to help the needy people on the auspicious festival rather than forwarding Lord Shiv’s pictures.

"Celebrate Maha Shivratri by helping someone instead of forwarding Lord Shiva's images. Om Namah Shivay,” Sood tweeted. While the ‘R Rajkummar’ actor posted the tweet to wish his fans on Maha Shivratri 2021, several trolls expressed their displeasure over his choice of words. Little did Sood know that he would get mercilessly trolled for a harmless tweet. Here's what he shared!

Also READ: Sonu Sood Calls Out Fraudster Who Claims To Provide Loans Under The Actor’s Foundation

Sonu Sood had to face the wrath of the trolls, who trended the hashtag #WhoTheHellAreUSonuSood on Twitter. The users slammed the ‘Simmba’ actor without understanding the context of his tweet.

While some users lashed out at Sood, his fans quickly came to his defense. They trended the hashtag #ISupportSonuSood in response to the negative trended against the B-town actor.

One user tweeted, “He’s the guy who came on roads to help thousands of migrants when their elected Government abandoned the poor souls to die during the unprecedented lockdowns.Don’t know about acting skills as I do not watch movies, but @SonuSood is an honest Indian Idol.”

"He’s the guy who came on roads to help thousands of migrants when their elected Government abandoned the poor souls to die during the unprecedented lockdowns," another user wrote on the micro-blogging site.

On the professional front, Sonu Sood will be next seen in Telugu film ‘Archarya’. The action drama co-starring Chiranjeevi and Kajal Aggarwal is slated to release on May 13, 2021.

Also READ: Farmers Protest: Sonu Sood Says ‘How Will You Sleep Peacefully Calling Wrong As Right?’

The talented actor will be seen as Chand Bardai in Akshay Kumar’s ‘Prithviraj’. The highly anticipated flick, which also stars Manushi Chillar and Sanjay Dutt will hit the silver screens on November 5, 2021.

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