New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sonu Sood, who emerged as the messiah for migrant workers and stranded students amid the COVID-19 crisis, has now launched a scholarship programme for IAS aspirants on the death anniversary of his mother Saroj Sood. His mother Saroj Sood, who was a professor, used to teach students on a non-commercial basis. The 'Dabangg' actor has come up with a new scholarship programme to support the IAS aspirants and help them fulfil their dreams. The scholarships will be available to students for online and on-campus courses.

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Sonu Sood took to social media to make the announcement and also reveal that he has named the scholarship after his mother. He wrote, “October 13; 13 years since My Mother passed. She left behind a legacy of Education. On her anniversary today, I pledge to support IAS aspirants reach their goals thru Prof Saroj Sood Scholarships. Seeking blessings Miss u maa. @scholify_me.”

The 'R Rajkumar' actor shared a throwback picture on his mother along with an emotional caption. "13years ago on the same day, 13th October.. when life slipped from my hands. Maa," Sood wrote.

The talented actor had earlier posted a heartfelt note for his mother on her birth anniversary in July. He shared throwback snaps from his childhood days on Instagram. The caption for the post read, "Happy birthday Maa...just keep guiding me always the way you have been doing all my life. Wish I could give you a tight hug and tell you how much I love you..but I am sure you must be missing us where ever you are. Life will never be the same but be my guiding angel always till I see you again maa. Miss you."

Sonu, who is known for her power-packed performances, recently helped the students of a village in Haryana by providing them smartphones so that they could attend their online classes. He also helped several JEE and NEET exam aspirants to travel to their exam centres.

Last month, Sonu Sood was conferred the prestigious SDG Special Humanitarian Action Award by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for helping the needy during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 'Simmba' star joined the likes of Angelina Jolie, David Beckham who have received similar honours.

Also READ: Sonu Sood Launches Scholarship Programme For Underprivileged Students; Pledges To Support Their Complete Education

On the professional front, Sonu Sood will be next seen in Akshay Kuma starrer 'Prithviraj' and 'Thamilarasan'.