Actress Sonakshi Sinha, who is all set to stun the audience with her action packed avtar in the upcoming film “Akira” has announced the release date of the film on her social media account. The film which also has Anurag Kahsyap in a negative role is said to be high on action sequences.


Sonakshi took to her Twitter and announced the release date of Akira.

Sonakshi wrote, ''Guys super thrilled to announce @ARMurugadoss is back after Ghajini and Holiday. My action thriller releasing on 23rd Sept''

Also: Woah! WATCH VIDEO: Sonakshi Sinha enters Guinness World Record for painting her nails!

Directed by A.R. Murugadoss “Akira” will be the “Dabangg” star’s second film with Murugadoss after “Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty”. She will be seen performing martial arts in the film, which also features her father actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha.

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