Post his interview on Kangana, the actor is being appreciated by some for coming out and talking openly about the issue while others are not to happy with him. Sona Mahapatra reacted to Adhayayan's interview. She showcased her displeasure on Twitter.
Here is the Twitter exchange between the two:
Sona Mahapatra wrote, ''Boo Hooooo Mr SumanJr. Ask daddy to buy you something special again. Maybe brain surgery.
Adhyayan Suman replied, '' @sonamohapatra ask ur father to get you a heart transplant done..make sure that the heart is compassionate and sensitive!''
Things started getting ugly as both of them took notice of each other's tweet and reacted.
Adhyayan wrote, ''@sonamohapatra sure! And my father has taught me to speak the truth ! All the best to you too..''
Sona Mahapatra shot back, ''The SumanJr. interview tells us exactly what is wrong with the 'business' of Bollywood.Daddies,a lack of ability;even 2tell a linear story.''
The debate ended on this tweet of Sona Mahapatra. She said, ''Q. What is Suman Jr.'s favourite drink?
A. An impure bloody-Mary.''
Also: WATCH: 10 Revelations Made By Kangana’s Ex-Boyfriend Adhyayan Suman will SHOCK you
Things are getting murkier day by day for Adhyayan Suman post his controversial interview where he revealed some shocking things about Kangana Ranaut.