On Thursday, Soha stepped out of the house with hubby Kunal Khemu and both went over a lunch date. As per news in Bollywoodlife.com, “The actress was with her hubby, Kunal Khemu, at Carter Road, Mumbai, when the paparazzi clicked her. She happily agreed to strike a few poses for the shutterbugs, with a smile.”
Check out these pictures:
All Pictures - Bollywoodlife.com
Soha Ali Khan became victim of online trolls because she was wearing ‘sari’ on her Baby shower.
Check out her pictures from Baby shower:
Well, we all know that Kareena Kapoor Khan gave some major goals to all the preggers when she was pregnant with Taimur. And now actress is helping her sister-in-law Soha Ali Khan. During an event, Soha said, “Kareena has been very helpful. She recently went through this. So, I keep asking her a lot of questions on a daily basis. What should I eat, what is allowed, what isn’t”
Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Khemu got married in year 2015.