Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, who had their roka ceremony on August 18 in Mumbai, are fully enjoying their courtship period. The two lovebirds are spending quality time with each other and their pictures on Instagram are a solid proof. The ‘Right Now’ singer recently turned 26 and PeeCee was by his side to celebrate his birthday. The ‘Quantico’ actress and Nick are living a ranch life and their pictures from the Safari tour has got everyone talking.

After opening up about his relationship with Priyanka on Jimmy Fallon’s show, Nick Jonas has now revealed the reason why he chose the Bollyood diva to be his life partner.

While talking to E! News’s Jason Kennedy, the ‘Jealous’ singer said, “So many things... I can go on and get all mushy but the thing that really connected both of us is our love for family and faith and importance of being connected to those who are always going to be with you. And we found that in each other as well, which is a beautiful thing and I am excited to start our live together.”

Nick also spoke about the viral video in which his mom Denise Jonas and Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra were seen dancing to a Punjabi song their roka ceremony.

"It's a lot of love. We had a beautiful time, we went to India and did a beautiful roka ceremony. It sort of combined the two families, her side and my side," the singer told the show’s host.

Priyanka and Nick recently made waves when the couple shared their first kiss in public during the former’s birthday celebrations in Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California.

Watch this space for more updates!

Also Read- The last film Priyanka watched & enjoyed has a Nick connection; FIND OUT how