Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor, who will be next seen in ‘Namaste England’ opposite Parineeti Chopra, received a message from his grandmother Nirmal Kapoor to get married soon on his 33rd birthday. And it seems Arjun’s dadi has already found the perfect match for the ‘Panipat’ actor. The ‘India’s Most Wanted’ actor, while talking to a leading daily revealed that his dadi liked his on-screen chemistry with Parineeti in the ‘Namaste England’ trailer and she thinks the actress would be perfect for him.

Arjun made his Bollywood debut with ‘Ishaqzaade’ and the handsome lad was paired opposite Parineeti in the film. The two actors managed to create ripples with their scorching chemistry in the Habib Faisal directorial.

Fans even requested Parineeti and Arjun to tie the knot and now even his dadi thinks they will make a great couple together.

“After watching Namaste England’s trailer, dadi said that out of my all co-stars, I look best with onscreen with Parineeti. She thinks Parineeti is the perfect bride for me in real life as well," Arjun told Bombay Times.

Arjun in of his interviews said that he would get hitched after his sisters Anshula, Janhvi and Khushi. It looks fans will have to wait a little more for the actor’s wedding.

Interestingly, Parineeti gave a hilarious reaction to fans requesting the two to get married. Arjun, who is known for his wits, wrote, ''This chokra is jawaan and in no hurry to get married.... @ParineetiChopra pls wait While I age gracefully and consider my options.''

Check out how Parineeti responded on Twitter.

Talking about their film ‘Namaste England’, it will hit the silver screens on October 19, 2018. The film is the sequel to Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif’s romantic comedy ‘Namastey London’.

The two dynamic actors will also be together in 'Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar', which releases next year.

Watch this space for more updates!

Also Read- Say what! Arjun Kapoor says he never wanted to be an actor!