The trailer of Ranveer Singh and Sara Ali Khan starrer ‘Simmba’ has been unveiled by the makers on Monday. The 2:54 minutes trailer has managed to impress the movie buffs and they have already declared the film a super hit on social media. The Rohit Shetty directorial has all the tools needed for a masala entertainer, be it heavy duty dialogues, high octane action sequences (read dhishum-dhishum) and a love story between the leads. Twitterati have already given a thumbs up to ‘Simmba’ and they are now waiting for the film to hit the silver screens.

The ‘Gully Boy’ actor is working working with Rohit Shetty for the very first time and this has made the fans super excited. Interestingly, ‘Simmba’ is Ranveer’s first film post marriage with Deepika Padukone. After delivering a blockbuster in the form of ‘Padamaavat’ earlier this year, Ranveer is now expected to end 2018 with a bang.

Check out what the fans have to say about Simmba’s trailer on Twitter!

Fans also loved the small glimpse of Ajay Devgn's Singham avatar in 'Simmba'.

'Simmba', which also stars Sonu Sood, will hit the cinema theaters on December 28. The film produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions and Rohit Shetty's Rohit Shetty Picturez, is the Hindi remake of 'Temper'.

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