Bollywood hunk Sidharth Malhotra, who made her acting debut with Karan Johar's hit film 'Student of The Year' with Alia Bhatt & Varun Dhawan in 2012, has turned an year older as he is celebrating his 34th birthday today (16th January). To celebrate the special occasion, birthday boy Sidharth hosted a bash last night which was attended by the handsome hunk's industry colleagues and friends. Various Bollywood celebrities including Karan Johar, Katrina Kaif, Aditya Roy Kapur, Jacqueline Fernandez, Sonakshi Sinha, Mira Rajput, Kriti Sanon among others attended Sidharth Malhotra's birthday bash making it a star-studded affair.

Sidharth Malhotra (Photo: Web)

The 'Ek Villain' actor looked dapper as always in black and celebrated his birthday with media as well by cutting a cake when he came out to greet them. Post which, he also met his fans & posed for selfies with them. Take a look at the videos of Sidharth Malhotra cutting birthday cake with media below:

Take a look at the pictures of Bollywood celebs snapped at birthday boy Sidharth Malhotra's residence last night below:

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On the career front, Sidharth Malhotra has featured in various films including 'Hasee Toh Phasee', 'Brothers', 'Ittefaq' among others and currently has films like 'Jabariya Jodi' and 'Marjaavaan' in his kitty.

Here's wishing the 'Kapoor & Sons' actor a very happy birthday!