Mumbai: Actress Shraddha Kapoor has commenced shooting for her upcoming film "Chhichhore", which is directed by Nitesh Tiwari. Shraddha on Wednesday morning took to Twitter and expressed her excitement to shoot for the film. "Time to get back in to it! Excited to start a new journey. Day 1 for me on 'Chhichhore'," she wrote. Check out her Tweet below:

The film also stars Sushant Singh Rajput and Varun Sharma. It is slated to hit the screens on August 30 next year.

Varun, who is fondly remembered as "choocha" from the "Fukrey" franchise said that he is kicking off the second schedule of the film.

'Chhichhore' first poster: Sushant Singh Rajput, Shraddha Kapoor in a 'Timeless Tale of Time Pass'!

"And back on set! Kicking off the second schedule for 'Chhichhore'. Ho gayi Chutti Khatam ab Wapis Aate hai Chhichorapanti main (Done with holidays)," he tweeted.

"Chhichhore" will be produced by Nadiadwala and will be presented by Fox Star Hindi.

Details related to the film's plot are still under wraps.