New Delhi: Vicky Kaushal starrer ‘Sardar Udham’ received a special mention at the 69th National Film Awards. The film won the Best Hindi Film in the languages-wise category. Director Soojit Sircar spoke to ABP News after the big win and shared that he was with Abhishek Bachchan discussing his new film when he got the news. Abhishek hugged the director and congratulated Sircar for this feat.
Soojit also revealed that when he started his journey as a director, 'Sardar Udham' was the first film he wanted to direct. And he worked on the film for years and was finally able to make his dream project in 2021.
Talking about the film, Sircar also shared that the late actor Irrfan was his first choice for the film, but the actor asked him to go ahead with the project without him because of his illness. Sircar dedicated the National Award win to Irrfan.
Soojit revealed that in the future he wants to make a film on Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
‘Sardar Udham’ also bagged awards in the Best Production Design, Best Cinematography, the Best Costume Design, and Best Audiography category.
‘Sardar Udham’ won 5 awards under these categories:
- Best Hindi Film: Sardar Udham
- Best Cinematography: Avik Mukhopadhayay
- Best Costume Designer: Veera Kapur Ee
- Best Production Design: Dmitri Malich & Mansi Dhruv Mehta
- Best Audiography: Re-Recording (Final Mixing): Sinoy Joseph
‘Sardar Udham’ is a biographical historical drama film directed by Shoojit Sircar, and produced by Rising Sun Films in collaboration with Kino Works. Based on the life of Udham Singh, a freedom fighter from Punjab who assassinated Michael O'Dwyer in London to avenge the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar.
The film also stars Shaun Scott, Stephen Hogan, Amol Parashar, Banita Sandhu.
The film was also noted for its realistic portrayal of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, being depicted in an extended and graphic sequence.
'Sardar Udham' celebrates the patriotism and valor of freedom fighter Sardar Udham Singh and has received much acclaim and appreciation from audiences across the globe. The recognition at the national awards adds the crowning jewel in the series of accomplishments for the film.
‘Sardar Udham’ produced by Rising Sun Films and Kino Works is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.