Udta Punjab's trailer had drawn more than 1.1 crore hits on YouTube. However, the movie has landed into controversy as the Censor Board decided to hold back the clearance certificate. Their decision comes a week after Punjab's ruling Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) had expressed reservations over the portrayal of Punjabis in the film.

A senior CBFC official said, "We have just held back the certification. The film producers have the option to move Film Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT). It is only about certain expletives and nothing more." He refused to comment on whether the certification process had anything to do with the drug abuse.

Also: Censor Board in Dilemma over Alia, Shahid’s cuss words usage in Udta Punjab!

SAD MLA Virsa Singh Valtoha, who had expressed concern over the "message" in the movie, said he and his party would welcome the movie if it does not defame or paint Punjabis in bad light. The MLA, however, said the move by the CBFC had nothing to do with his party's stand and SAD would not stop the screening of the movie in Punjab.

Interestingly, Udta Punjab which deals with drug abuse issue is scheduled for release on June 17, seven months ahead of the 2017 assembly polls.

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