Bollywood actress Konkona Sen Sharma and her actor husband Ranvir Shorey are reportedly heading for a divorce. According to a report in SpotboyE, the couple, who was trying to give their marriage a second chance, has mutually decided to head for divorce.

Reportedly, before taking this drastic step, the two have been meeting their well wishers and marriage counselors over the last few months. Last year in September, the 36-year-old actress and the ' Happy Ending' star took to their respective Twitter accounts to announce their split.

The 'Wake Up' actress tweeted, "Ranvir and I have mutually decided to separate, but continue to be friends and co-parent our son. Will appreciate your support. Thank you." Konkona and Ranvir, who tied the knot in 2010 in a private ceremony, have mutually decided to separate after five years of together.