The issue of drugs was again into the limelight with 'Udta Punjab' and now another shocking news is doing the round. One of the actors during the shooting of an upcoming folm 'M Cream' demanded drugs on the set. Agneya Singh who is the director of the movie was shocked to receive such kind of demand!

The director told 'India Forum' The director says, "During out initial workshops, it was agreed that we needed to treat the film in a realistic if poetic way and that the actors would have to inject real life into the characters for this purpose. And my cast was so dedicated that I even remember one actor asking me to give them the psychotropic drug LSD during rehearsals as we had an acid trip in the screenplay. Luckily, we were able to work around that idea."

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The film revolves around the protagonist played by Imaad Shah, who sets out in search of a mythical hash called M cream with a group of friends. Written and directed by Agneya Singh, the film also stars Ira Dubey, Barry John, Auritra Ghosh, Raaghav Chanana, Tom Alter, Lushin Dubey and Beatrice Ordeix and is set to release on 22 July.