New Delhi: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty is going through a challenging phase in her life as her husband Raj Kundra got arrested last month for his alleged role in the production of pornographic content. Though the ‘Hungama 2’ actress has been keeping her distance from social media since then, this Independence Day, Shilpa Shetty took to her Instagram and shared heartfelt wishes on this special occasion for ‘fellow Indians’.

Shilpa Shetty Kundra posted a short video montage and wrote, “Wishing all my fellow Indians around the world a very Happy Independence Day”.

Many other celebrities including Amitabh Bachchan, Kangana Ranaut, Akshay Kumar, Anushka Sharma, Ajay Devgn and other celebrities also extended their wishes on the occasion of India’s Independence Day.

Meanwhile, Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra got arrested by the Crime Branch of Mumbai Police on July 19, 2021, for his alleged role in the production of adult films. The businessman is currently under custody and Shilpa released a statement amid all these controversies on her social media.

Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s Statement On Raj Kundra’s Arrest

Shilpa Shetty’s statement read, “Yes! The past few days have been challenging, on every front. There have been a lot of rumours and accusations. A lot of unwarranted aspersions on me cast by the media and (not so) well wishers as well. A lot of trolling/questions posed… not only to me but also to my family. MY STAND… I HAVE NOT COMMENTED YET and will continue to refrain from doing so on this case as it is subjudice, so please stop attributing false quotes on my behalf.Reiterating my philosophy of, as a celebrity “Never complain, never explain”. All I will say is, as it’s an on-going investigation, I have full faith in the Mumbai Police & the Indian judiciary. As a family, we are taking recourse to all our available legal remedies. But, till then I humbly request you - especially as a MOTHER - to respect our privacy for my children’s sake and request you to refrain from commenting on half-baked information without verifying the veracity of the same. I am a proud law-abiding Indian citizen and a hardworking professional for the last 29 years. People have put their faith in ME & I’ve never let anyone down. So, most importantly, I request you to respect my family’s and ‘my right’ to privacy in these times. We don’t deserve a media trial. Please let the law take its course. Satyamev Jayate! With Positivity and Gratitude, Shilpa Shetty Kundra”.

Shilpa Shetty Projects

The actress was last seen featuring in ‘Hungama 2’ which was released last month. No new project of Shilpa Shetty has not been announced yet.

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