New Delhi: It’s seems the wedding season in Bollywood won’t end anytime soon. We recently saw Alia Bhatt grooving to the beats of different songs at best friend Devika Advani’s wedding in Delhi. The ‘Gully Boy’ actress even got all emotional during the bidaai ceremony. When it comes to thumkas, very few can beat Shilpa Shetty, isn’t it? The ‘Dhadkan’ actress danced her heart out with hubby Raj Kundra at the sangeet function of her sister-in-law Reena Kundra.

PICS & VIDEOS: Alia Bhatt gets emotional during BFF's bidaai; Dances her heart out at sangeet ceremony!

Shilpa, who is currently judging ‘Super Dancer Chapter 3’, shared a video on Instagram where she can be seen dancing with her hubby on the popular Punjabi song Lamberghini song. The video has been viewed over 1.8 million times and fans have flooded the post with their comments.

‘’Ha ha ha .. #swag huh!!! Singing another tune at the #sangeet nite @rajkundra9 ????????♥️???????????? #reenawedsanshul #laughs #sangeetnight #happiness #gratitude #family #dance #love #memories #hubby #lamberghini,’’ the caption for the post read.

Check out the adorable video right here!

Shilpa Shetty looked stunning in a traditional outfit and it was her pink parandi which grabbed maximum eyeballs. Check out the photo!

Check some more pictures from the sangeet ceremony!

(Swipe right to see the photos)

Shilpa also danced to the beats of the dhol and even performed bhangra at the sangeet function. Check out the videos

Shipa Shetty tied the knot with Raj Kundra in 2009 and the couple welcomed their son Viaan in 2012. The two lovebirds often share adorable pictures with each other on social media, giving some serious relationship goals.

Watch this space for more updates!

WATCH: Shilpa Shetty asks Vicky Kaushal 'How's The Josh' on the red carpet of Filmfare Glamour and Style Awards!