Vidhu Vinod Chopra introduced two talented actors- Sadia Khateeb and Aadil Khan in his film 'Shikara' which released on February 7, 2020. The film received good reviews from the critics and fans for its storyline and impeccable performances of the star cast. The COVID-19 crisis severely affected the entertainment industry last year as the shoot of films, TV shows and web series was put on halted due to the lockdown. 2020 will go down into the history books as the year when people were forced to stay at homes. However, last year was quite memorable for Sadia as she got to make her Bollywood debut with 'Shikara'.

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The beautiful actress, who has returned to the Kashmir Valley, said that she is grateful for several things despite the 'damage' 2020 cause to the world.

"I look at 2021 as the year to heal and rebuild the world. For me, despite all the damage 2020 has caused to the world, it has been a year in which I am grateful for a million things. And being able to step in to 2021 is one of them. I don’t expect anything, I am only grateful and with all the hopes and positivity I am moving forward to next phase of my life," she said.

When asked about her plans, she said, "I am someone who goes with the flow and love all the surprises this unpredictable life keep giving us. I am a firm believer of destiny. So I leave everything to god, the best planner of everything, Jab Yahan Tak Ka Safar Itna Khoobsoorat Raha Tha Toh Upar Wale Ke Karam Se Aage Ka bhi Acha Hi Hoga."

Aadil Khan, who won several hearts with his performance in 'Shikara', expressed gratitude on bagging a project in 2020 which introduced him as a main stream actor.

"Year 2020 has been great for me! That might not be an expected response as the year has been considered quite troublesome globally, but this is the year when my film Shikara was released and I was introduced to Bollywood as a main stream actor. That is living a dream!," he said.

"I want to go with the flow and just focus on living a meaningful life. Do good work, spend quality time with friends and family, stay fit, keep it simple and easy, Surround myself with positive people, love, party like mad and stay out of trouble. Other than this, I intend to remain the same Aadil Khan that you all have come to know this year and loved," the handsome actor said while revealing his plans for 2021.

We hope both Aadil and Sadia continue to entertain the audience with their acting skills.