Veteran Bollywood actor Shatrughan Sinha, who ruled millions of hearts with his power-packed performances in films, turned a year older on Thursday (December 9). On the occasion of his 76th birthday, Sonakshi Sinha penned a heartfelt post for her father on social media. The ‘Dabangg’ star shared two pictures from their recent photo-shoot along with a sweet note. 

What Did Sonakshi Sinha Post? 

The ‘Rowdy Rathore’ actress fondly called her father the ‘Big Boss man’ while sharing the post on her official Instagram handle. She wrote, “Happy Birthdayyyy to the big boss man! Love you Papa.” 

Sonakshi can be seen flashing her million-dollar smile while striking a pose for the camera. The ‘Mission Mangal’ star looked beautiful in a green outfit, which she paired with statement earrings.  

(Swipe to see the photos)

Luv Sinha dropped a picture of his father from the sets of a project along with a heartwarming note. He wrote, "As a son I have always been in awe of my father. His struggle, his journey through life, his achievements, his belief in standing up for what is right, and his ability to never give up has inspired and motivated me always. There can never be another #shatrughansinha , and I’m blessed to have my father to teach and guide me. As we celebrate another #birthday together I’m grateful for all the memories and moments I get with my family because no matter what there is nothing more important in this world than our parents."

On the professional front, Shatrughan Sinha was last seen in a special appearance in Dharmendra, Sunny Deol and Bobbey Deol starrer 'Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se', which released in 2018. 

Here's wishing Shatrughan Sinha a very happy birthday!