Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor's wife Mira Rajput gave birth to their second child, their baby boy Zain Kapoor, on September 5. With the arrival of their second bundle of joy, Shahid & Mira's families are elated with joy and two-year-old daughter Misha Kapoor is now a big sister too. Few days ago, Shahid's father & veteran actor Pankaj Kapur expressed his happiness over the birth of Zain and now Neelim Azim too has opened up about the same.
Shahid-Mira with their newborn son Zain & 2-yr-old daughter Misha (Photo: Manav Manglani)
Shahid's mother Neelima is overjoyed after the birth of her grandson & just like ex-husband Pankaj Kapur, she is happy too that her actor-son's family is complete now.
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Speaking about how she is feeling, Neelima told an entertainment portal that, "It's wonderful. Shahid and Mira now have a complete family. I am in the best phase of my life. Misha has been the love of my life ever since she was born. And now, Zain joins her. He is a beautiful child. We all have toiled very hard in our lives and now just reaping happiness. God has been kind."
In the interview, Neelima even revealed that she had a feeling, even before Zain's birth, that it will be a boy this time.
She said,"I had a very strong feeling that they will get a son, this time. I had even shared it with them. I kind of saw a son in their arms in one of my dreams."
Shahid with mommy Neelima Azim (Photo: Instagram)
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Neelima also spoke about her impression of Zain and further told SpotboyE that, "He is gloriously good-looking. I see a bit of everyone in him. He will turn out to be as handsome as his father and chacha (Ishaan)."
Ever since the news of Zain's birth came out, Shahid & Mira's industry friends as well as fans are sending good wishes to the couple. Recently, Shahid thanked everyone for their lovely wishes and yesterday (9th September) Mira too posted an emotional message for the well-wishers.
This is indeed a great time for Shahid-Mira & their families!
On the professional front, Shahid's next film 'Batti Gul Meter Chalu', also featuring Shraddha Kapoor & Yami Gautam, is set to hit theatres on 21st September. Whereas, he will soon start shooting for 'Arjun Reddy' remake which will release next year. Recently, he announced another film which is a biopic based on boxer Dingko Singh's life. To be directed by 'Airlift' director Raja Krishna Menon, the film will go on floors next year.
Stay tuned for more updates!