To celebrate his wife’s 24th birthday, the ‘Padmaavat’ actor ordered a special cake to surprise her and we are sure Shahid’s cute gesture will definitely give you some serious relationship goals. The doting husband ordered the cake to celebrate the dual happiness of his life- Mira Rajput’s birthday and the arrival of junior Kapoor.
Daffodils Creations, who made the delectable cake, took to Instagram share a picture. The cake had the message, ‘’ Just Hatched, Happy Birthday Mother Hen,” written over it.
Shahid and Mira are already parents to two-year old Misha Kapoor, who visited the hospital to meet her mommy and little brother Zain.
Shahid Kapoor’s parents Pankaj Kapur and Neelima Azeem, brother Ishaan Khatter and step-mom Supriya Pathak also paid a visit to the newbie mother Mira and Zain.
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Also Read- Here's what Shahid-Mira's son Zain's name means