New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan's 57th birthday was a momentous occasion not just in many parts of India but also abroad. On his special day, cinema chains like Inox, PVR and Cinepolis had screened SRK's iconic film 'Dilwale Dulhania Le Jaayenge' in 18 cities. The screenings seem to have been super-successful. From video snippets and pictures which have been circulating online, fans' love for SRK and this cult favourite film seems to have taken it to another level. SRK's diehard fans are seen cheering, whistling, hooting and dancing during some of the most popular scenes from 'DDLJ'.
Take a look at the wild fandom of Shah Rukh Khan.
Talking about the film, Shah Rukh Khan told IANS, "Shah Rukh Khan told IANS, “DDLJ has been an extremely special film for me. I am grateful for all the love I have been receiving over the years for the film. Bringing it back on my birthday just makes it more special. Thank you!”
DDLJ was first released in 1995. The film also stars Kajol, Amrish Puri, Farida Jalal, Parmeet Sethi, Mandira Bedi and Anupam Kher. Directed by Aditya Chopra, and produced by Yash Raj Films, the film won 10 Filmfares and a National Award.
Like every year, on SRK's birthday, thousands of fans from across the country traveled to Mumbai to gather outside Shah Rukh's house to catch a glimpse of him in person. The star made public appearances twice on his big day as he waved to his fans outside his house.